In a first for Downtown Brew, Iration will headline a special late night show, this Saturday, November 21st at 11pm. This gives you plenty of time to enjoy a full Saturday morning and night, with the amazing show to carry you into Sunday morning. The Santa Barbara Independent noted it best: “There’s something to be said for any band that can capture the undivided attention of a crowd full of drunken Isla Vistans, especially when there are kegs to be tapped and cops to avoid. But roots reggae rockers Iration manage to do it on a regular basis.” Don’t miss this special event!
Where most modern reggae bands tend to move more towards rock or dancehall influences, Iration dips heavily into their Roots Reggae influences. Originally from Hawaii, the members relocated to Santa Barbara, giving their sound a duality of island and west coast flavor. With an emphasis on drum and bass dubbing, Iration presents an array of different styles and melodies while staying true to their roots background. The duo of Joe Dickens on drums and Adam Taylor on bass provides a strong rhythmic foundation for the percussion sounds of Joe King and the modern organ/piano/synth attack of Cayson Peterson on the keyboards. Micah Pueschel and Catlin Peterson add their rock and blues guitar sounds to the mix as well share the majority of the vocal duties. Kai Rediske completes the sound with another strong vocal voice paired with additional percussion help.
These guys are dope!!!…I cant wait to see them play on The Winter Blackout Tour w/ The Expendables!!!!
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